Tiny Tots (Ages 3-5yrs)
Fridays 3:15pm to 4:00pm
Tiny Tots are Canceled for Spring 2023
Registration on Hold till Summer
New Court Reserve Online Registrations
WESTWOOD TENNIS has joined the Court Reserve Online Family Reservation System / All Sign ups are done by Members (Free Membership) of Court Reserve.
Clinics are Pre-Paid through our New Clinic Registration Program Court Reserve. Instructions and Contact information are available through the Highlighted Links.
Sign Up & Get Priority Pre-Paid Reservations
Spring Tiny Tots are On HOLD
Tiny Tots Clinics utilize Red Foam (Ages 3-4) and Red (Ages 4-8) Tennis Balls as Part of the ROGY Tennis Training System.
(R) Red Ball Tennis is named after the Red Balls that are used at this stage. Red Tennis Balls bounce lower and move more slowly through the air, giving beginning players a chance to set up and take a good swing at the ball. Courts at this level are 36 feet long and 18 feet wide, with a net that is 2-foot-9.
Once comfortable at the Red Ball Tennis level, players graduate to playing at the (O) Orange Ball Tennis level. Orange Tennis Balls bounce higher and move faster than the Red Ball but lower and slower than the (G) Green Tennis Ball. They are a step toward the traditional (Y) Yellow Tennis Ball while still remaining fun and manageable for players learning the game. Courts at this level are 60 feet by 21 feet for singles and 60 feet by 27 feet for doubles. The net is 3 feet at the center and 3-foot-6 at the net posts.
Court Sizes for the ROGY Tennis System