Junior Classes
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Mighty Mites (10 & Under / 5-10 yrs)

Westwood Tennis Center’s 10 and Under Tennis program is top notch! Our staff is committed to creating a safe, fun and accelerated learning environment for all junior entry level players. We have combined the USTA 10 and Under Tennis format with our own developmental process to enhance the mental, physical and technical growth of all of our junior players. If your child is interested in participating in our program, please review the upcoming enrollment dates below. Our classes fill up very fast so mark your calendars!
Mighty Mites Clinics utilize Red (Ages 5-8) and Orange (Ages 8-10) Tennis Balls as Part of the ROGY Tennis Training System.
(R) Red Ball Tennis is named after the Red Balls that are used at this stage. Red Tennis Balls bounce lower and move more slowly through the air, giving beginning players a chance to set up and take a good swing at the ball. Courts at this level are 36 feet long and 18 feet wide, with a net that is 2-foot-9.
Once comfortable at the Red Ball Tennis level, players graduate to playing at the (O) Orange Ball Tennis level. Orange Tennis Balls bounce higher and move faster than the Red Ball but lower and slower than the (G) Green Tennis Ball. They are a step toward the traditional (Y) Yellow Tennis Ball while still remaining fun and manageable for players learning the game. Courts at this level are 60 feet by 21 feet for singles and 60 feet by 27 feet for doubles. The net is 3 feet at the center and 3-foot-6 at the net posts.

Not every tennis player starts training when they are an infant. Not every player wants to compete in college, or even in high school for that matter. Some kids just want to learn to play just for fun so they can compete a little better on the public courts every now and then. Also, some parents may be looking for fitness of a different kind for their child. In either case, “Challengers” would be a perfect fit. Challenger classes are a wonderful way to “test” tennis to see if its something your child would enjoy.
Challenger Clinics utilize Green Dot (Ages 10-13) and the Traditional Yellow (Ages 11-14) Tennis Balls as Part of the ROGY Tennis Training System.
Green Dot Balls are a progression from Orange Ball and is an introductory program for players ages 10-13. The Green Dot Ball is very similar to the traditional yellow tennis ball but with a slightly lower compression so it rebounds lower off the court after a bounce. The Green court is the same dimension as the traditional Yellow court: 78 feet by 27 feet for singles and 78 feet by 36 feet for doubles. The net is 3 feet at the center and 3-foot-6 at the net posts.
The Traditional Yellow Tennis Ball is for intermediate players ages 11-14 who have established the fundamentals of Green Ball. The Yellow level is what most people know as traditional tennis. The balls, courts and racquets at this level are used in the majority of adult matches and at the professional level. That means the court size is the same as at the green level: 78 feet by 27 feet for singles and 78 feet by 36 feet for doubles, with a net that is 3 feet at the center and 3-foot-6 at the net posts.
This class provides the foundation for the players to instill a discipline and mindset that allows them to get the most out of themselves. These players are tournament ready with the goals in making the high school tennis team as well as advancing in the rankings on district, section or national level. While this class is for 9th-12th grade players, it is not uncommon to have younger players that are at the same level or better. Invite Only.